How Long Does a Divorce Take in OKC in most cases depends on the people getting the divorce. Unfortunately, there is not a set length of time. It has variables and also depends on the type of dissolution of marriage you seek. Uncontested, Contested, and those with Minor Children are all types of divorce. This […]
Category: Oklahoma Divorce Law
Dividing Debts in an Oklahoma Divorce
Dividing Debts in an Oklahoma Divorce is a process that at times in overlooked. Given the emotion and general disruption surrounding an Oklahoma divorce people tend to overlook some of the debt. Our clients often wonder how property gets divided along with debts of the marriage. This is especially true for how debt is divided […]
Divorce Process
The Divorce Process in Oklahoma City can be daunting. Nobody goes into a marriage wishing it to end in divorce. Both parties face emotional effects, as well as financial. Our OKC Attorneys understand that going through a legal process when facing that much emotional fallout can be heavy. This article can help you to learn […]
Dividing Debts in Oklahoma Divorce
Dividing Debts in Oklahoma Divorce is not as simple as who acquired the debt and when. When you’re going through a divorce there’s more involved then child custody and visitation. Often times the emotion involved with deciding about child custody and the divorce process itself may cloud issues surrounding dividing marital debt. Given the complexity […]
Describing Oklahoma Common Law Marriage
Oklahoma Common Law Marriage is a thing and lots of people call asking about it each day.Oklahoma is a state that recognizes common law marriage. The existence of a common law marriage has legal ramifications though. Most people are unaware of these. It is therefore, important to know if you are in a common law […]