Can I Surrender Secured Debt in Oklahoma Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Surrender Secured Debt

Chapter 13 provides a possibility to surrender secure secured debt. When filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, many have questions about managing secured debts, such as mortgages or car loans. Here, we’ll explore what surrendering secured debt means and how it works in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Oklahoma City. Understanding Secured Debt Secured debts are […]

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What Bankruptcy Exemptions are Available in Oklahoma City?

Mistakes When Filing for Bankruptcy

Oklahoma law allows residents to use state-specific bankruptcy exemptions, which differ from federal exemptions. When filing for bankruptcy in Oklahoma City, debtors can protect certain property from being liquidated to pay off creditors by claiming exemptions. These exemptions help ensure that debtors can retain essential assets and maintain a basic standard of living during and […]

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How Will Bankruptcy Impact Your Credit Score in Oklahoma City?

Impact of Bankruptcy On Credit Score

The impact of bankruptcy on credit score can be significant. The extent and duration of this impact depend on several factors, including the type of bankruptcy filed, your credit history before filing, and your financial behavior post-bankruptcy. Here’s an in-depth look at how bankruptcy can affect your credit score and what you can do to […]

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What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Oklahoma City?

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is what many refer to as a “wage earner’s plan. This allows individuals with a regular income to develop a plan to repay all or part of their debts over a three to five-year period. This type of bankruptcy is helpful for individuals who want to keep their property, such as a […]

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What is the Bankruptcy Process in Oklahoma City?

Bankruptcy Process

The bankruptcy process in Oklahoma City can be confusing, but you have options. Filing for bankruptcy involves several steps that help individuals or businesses address their financial difficulties under the protection of the federal bankruptcy court. Here, we’ll break down the different steps as well as what to expect in each. Bankruptcy Process in OKC […]

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What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Oklahoma City?

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as liquidation bankruptcy, is a legal process that allows individuals and businesses in Oklahoma City to eliminate most of their unsecured debts and achieve a fresh financial start. This type of bankruptcy involves the liquidation of non-exempt assets to pay off creditors, and it is generally suited for individuals with […]

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What are My Bankruptcy Options in Oklahoma City?

Business Bankruptcy in Oklahoma City

Several bankruptcy options are available in Oklahoma to help you manage your debts and achieve a fresh financial start. The two options that most people will choose between are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. However, understanding the differences between each option is important to choosing the best one for you. Here, we’ll break down […]

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