Possession of Prescription Drugs Charges in Oklahoma City

Possession of Prescription Drugs

Possession of prescription drug charges are serious in Oklahoma City. Over 500,000 people have died since 2010 due to opioid overdoses. In Oklahoma, over half of reported drug overdoses for 2016 involved opioids.  Some people have habits that may result in a $300/day expense.  As a result, Oklahoma illegal possession of prescription drugs is receiving a lot more attention by authorities and state penalties are increasing. Here, we will discuss what constitutes as illegal possession and what the consequences could be.

Illegal Possession of Prescription Drugs

Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes is the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act and labels all forms of illicit substances as certain categories.  Illegal Possession of Prescription Drugs falls under Schedule II, meaning pharmacies must handle these drugs with certain protocol.  First and foremost, the prescriptions must be valid.  As a result, the prescribing physician must have a valid medical license.  Any physician prescribing medicine who does not have a valid license is subject to drug trafficking laws, which are severe.  Next, the pharmacy double checks the prescription to ensure there are no discrepancies between what the physician prescribes and the order the pharmacy receives.  If everything matches, then the prescription fills.

This is only one side of the equation though. The other side is obtaining prescription medical drugs from another authorized recipient of the drugs. This will often mean that someone sold you theirs or someone else’s valid prescription narcotic. For example, a friend of yours has surgery and doesn’t need their painkillers anymore. In turn, they sell them to you for recreational consumption. That scenario counts as illegal possession of prescription drugs.

Consequences of Illegal Possession of Prescription Drugs

With the opioid epidemic, Oklahoma’s prescription drug possession laws are now under stronger enforcement.  In 2014, prescription drugs became a Schedule II, meaning that possessing them without a prescription is a felony and jail sentences may range from 2 years to life. In addition to the other punishments, you will face fines. Based on the crime, you may only face a $1,000 fine. However, if the crime is relatively severe or a repeat offense, you could face up to $20,000. Additionally, possession of drug paraphernalia is also illegal.

Prescription drug charges can also land you in drug court. This is an alternative court system designed to rehabilitate people with substance abuse issues. What this means is you could be given a choice of jail or treatment. For some people this is an easy decision to make. Others however are stuck deep in addiction and are unable to comply with the rules set forth for drug court.

Oklahoma City Criminal Defense Attorneys

Our OKC attorneys understand that addiction is a difficult cycle to break, made worse by adding on legal troubles. The only way to truly break the cycle is to have a fair chance. Our team of criminal defense lawyers are here to give you that fair fight. The attorneys here have years of experience helping our clients face the toughest legal challenges. If you’re facing these charges, our criminal defense team at OKC Attorneys can help. Call us today at 405-367-8710 or ask a question online.